Puzzle Masters Tournament

Tournament Overview
Public Libraries will hold one local puzzle contest between August and October. The top two finishing teams may advance to a county semifinal held in November. The top three teams from each county semifinal may advance to the tri-county final on December 7, 2024. A plaque or trophy will be given as a prize at the final contest. No prizes will be awarded at semifinal contests.
First Round Puzzle Contest
This list may be partial or contain outdated information.
For the most up-to-date local contest information, reach out directly to your library.
Graham Public Library
September 21 at 10:00 am
See details.
Edgerton Public Library
September 21 at 10am
See details.
Milton Public Library
September 25 at 6:00 pm at Good Works Brewing Company
Aram Public Library
September 28 at 10:30 am
See details.
Eager Free Public Library
October 5 at 10:00 am
See details.
Lake Geneva Public Library
Saturday, October 12 at 10:00 am
Burlington Public Library
October 19 at 10:00 am
Barrett Memorial Library
October 19 at 11:00 am
Hedberg Public Library
October 26 at 1:00 pm
Program Timeline
Contest Rules
1. Teams must be composed of a minimum of 2 people and a maximum of 4. Young participants (under the age of 16) are allowed as long as they are competing with at least one accompanying adult. No changes in team members will be allowed during the competition.
2. Only participants over 16 years old are accepted, unless they are accompanied by a parent or guardian that is competing with them on the same team.
3. A player cannot be part of two different teams.
4. Each puzzler is strongly encouraged to wear a nametag (provided on-site).
5. Each team can provide up to 4 trays of cardboard, foam or other material of a maximum size of 16” x 24” or A2 as an aid during the puzzle assembly. Box top holders are allowed. No other tools or aids are allowed.
General Rules:
6. The competition area will be demarcated by ribbon, caution tape, or some other temporary barrier. Only participants, judges, and authorized personnel are allowed within the competition area.
7. Participants must be at the venue 15 minutes before the start of each competition. Each team will draw a number from a hat or bowl to assign table of play.
8. Each team will be provided with a commonly-sized playing surface (for example: same-size round tables, or same-size rectangular tables).
9. Until the host indicates the start of the competition and starts the timer, the participants cannot manipulate, unseal, or open the puzzle boxes that are on the table.
10. Regional and final contests will last 2 hours each. Regional contest teams will have to assemble one 750-piece jigsaw puzzle, and finals contest teams will have to assemble one 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle. Puzzles will be stored in the factory-sealed box. Once the timer begins, the box may be opened.
11. Participants can only assemble the jigsaw puzzle on their assigned table and within the competition area. The sign indicating the table number must always be visible to facilitate the work of the judges.
12. During the competition, organizers will monitor the progress of the assembly, so that when a team is close to finishing a puzzle, they will be waiting by the table to register the exact time in the record.
13. Only designated judges can take note of the finishing times of the completed puzzles and enter the completion time into the record.
14. When a team manages to finish the puzzle before the 2 hours, a judge will register the final time in the record. The team’s players must collect the puzzles and their belongings and leave the competition area to avoid distracting neighboring puzzlers who are still competing.
15. If, once the maximum time has elapsed, a team has not finished the puzzle, a judge will take a smartphone photo of the table. A judge will then count the remaining pieces not yet placed into the puzzle. Teams who have not completed the puzzle will be ranked according to the fewest number of remaining pieces.
16. For final count purposes “loose pieces” shall be defined as singular puzzle pieces or pieces joined to two or fewer other puzzle pieces.
17. Missing puzzle pieces due to manufacturer defect shall be considered an act of nature and changes to the final team score shall not be made.
18. All the jigsaw puzzles used in the competitions are the property of the participants once the competition is finished.
19. Headphones are allowed as long as they do not disturb the rest of the participants.
20. Box top holders or supports are allowed to keep the box top upright and easily viewed while puzzling.
21. The organization may disqualify participants after two verbal warnings for conduct that causes inconvenience to other participants.
22. It is not allowed to bring extra lighting or use printed or digital templates in which you can see any type of manufacturer’s cutting pattern.
23. Any outside help during the competition may be grounds for disqualification.
24. Participants’ names and images may appear in published content from the tournament.
25. It is not allowed to use risers or any object that changes the height or layout of the tables.
26. A prize may be awarded for the top finishing team of the final contest.
Resources for Library Staff
Volunteer to be a Site Team Member – open to PLLS library/system staff and trustees.